hdjson Human-Delimited JSON

This page describes the hdjson format, also called Human-Delimited JSON and High-Def JSON. HDJSON is a convenient format for storing or streaming structured data that may be processed one record at a time, when readability is also an important factor. Consider the case of looking at protocol data where you want to be able to read the file and figure out what happened. It is equivalent to NDJSON except for two features:

  • The JSON is pretty-printed, i.e. with newlines and indentation in the data.
  • Each JSON entry in the file is separated by a single line consisting solely of the character `-`.

1. Line Separator is '\n-----\n' or '\r\n-----\r\n'.

2. Each Chunk (i.e. in between two delimiters) is a Valid JSON Value

The most common values will be objects or arrays, but any JSON value is permitted. See json.org for more information about JSON values.